Excite, inspire and engage your team with an interactive and insightful blast by people people.
an Affordable virtual event that caters for up to 100 participants.
Uplift. Inspire. Motivate.

A motivational and energetic behavioural blast from one of our expert facilitators is a powerful way to deliver top tips and skills to a large group of people within your organisation. Our team (who all have a background in the world of theatre) share practical techniques used by top actors that are guaranteed to get participants learning immediately applicable skills that shape thought and behaviour in the workplace.

Our engaging trainers usually deliver a session for up to 30 minutes and the sessions are designed for audiences of 15 – 100. Our behavioural blasts are deliberately fast paced, with minimal talking and more doing.  Think Joe Wicks of the learning and development world. Sessions provide powerful takeaways that can be implemented back at work.

Perhaps you would like to greet new joiners, support a wider L&D event,  bring a team together event or simply blow off the cobwebs, we’ll have a topic that suits your needs.

We have a variety of existing topics to choose from or your blast can be tailored to your specific needs.

Why Book A blast?

Our behavioural blasts are designed to be practical, active and quick so that participant engagement remains high, people take something away and you can get on with what you need to! Our clients book them for a wealth of reasons including to:

Our expert facilitators, whilst first and foremost being exceptional behavioural and executive coaches, all have a background in acting are are trained to keep audiences engaged. They’ll ensure consistent two way traffic between themselves and participants and promise to foster meaningful active interaction from participants at least every 6 minutes to keep learning going.

Our content isn’t merely a translation of face to face content but instead carefully crafted sessions that are tailored for a virtual environment. We fuse the latest learning methodologies with thought provoking and innovative learning content and techniques. We want learning to really last.

We fuse thought provoking learning content with a combination of breakout rooms, video content, plenary discussion, chat function, polls, Q&A’s, screen sharing and whiteboard.

We know that learning only really sticks if people feel safe enough to take risks and try things on for size. Our facilitators make sure that they carefully contract with participants to create a confidential and safe space to engage with our content. They are all mental health first aiders or listening volunteers, and are skilled at supporting participants through challenges they may encounter during a session. 

People People’s behavioural blasts focus on these three pillars
half an hour

We deliver sessions that are snappy, to the point and fun so they fit into even the most jam packed working schedules, events or programmes!


Our facilitator is active and participants will be, too. This isn’t a sit and listen vibe, it’s accessible and practical for people to join in. Think Joe Wicks of the L&D world.

laser focus

Sessions are sharply focussed and tuned so that each participant leaves with three key tips and techniques that they have not only heard and seen but crucially, experienced.

Drop Us A Line
We’ve warmed up and are ready and waiting in the wings to discuss how we might be able to support you and your people.
Robert Kirby
Company Director

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